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Types and maintenance of dust masks
Release time:2016-6-20 8:53:09        Click times:548
Dust (especially industrial dust) is the enemy of human health. Dust is fine, stay in the air longer, more easily inhaled, especially less than 5 microns of respirable dust, directly into the alveolar and deposition, cause silicosis or other pneumoconiosis disease, injuries ranging from loss of ability to work, to death.
Accompanied by all kinds of problems of air pollution, dust masks became the necessity in people's lives, how much do you know of the frequently used dust masks, for everyone to introduce some knowledge about dust masks.
First, the types of dust masks
1, the classification of dust masks:
According to the structure and working principle, it is divided into two categories: self absorption filter and air supply.
Self absorption filter: the work principle of the filter is to make the air containing harmful substances through the filter of the filter material to filter the evolution and then inhaled;
Air supply type: refers to the separation of harmful substances with a clean air source, through the dynamic role such as air compressor, compressed gas cylinders, etc., and the face mask to the person's face for breathing.
From the ceiling filter type dust mask structure is divided into two parts: mask mask, we can understand simple it is a mask of the shelf; another is filter part, including for the dustproof filter cotton and anti-virus chemical filter box.
Self suction filter dust masks and includes a variety of types:
Hemihedral: only the respiratory organs (mouth and nose) cover mask;
Full - type: the mask can cover the entire face, including the eyes;
Electric fan type: that is driven by the motor and battery, breathing for containing harmful substances will draw air into the filter after filtration.
Half face mask is divided into:
Maintenance free type: this mask to dust, the main body and the filter is the filter material replacement can not be made one;
Low maintenance type: the main body of this mask there is no replacement parts, such as damage to replace the entire mask;
General maintenance type: that is, the various components of the mask can be replaced one by one, usually have to pay attention to maintenance.
Two, dust mask maintenance method
1, masks don't wear should be folded into a clean envelope, and close to the nose and mouth side to folds, avoid by all means literally into pocket or is hanging in the neck.
2, dust masks should adhere to the daily cleaning and disinfection, whether it is gauze masks, or air filter masks can be used to disinfect the heating method.
Specific approach is:
(1) cleaning.
First with warm water and soap to gently rub the gauze mask, mask bowl can use soft brush dipped in detergent gently brushed, and then with water clean. Please note, do not rub, because if the gap is too large will warp gauze lost to prevent spray effect.
(2) disinfection.
Clean the mask in 2% Peracetic acid solution soak for 30 minutes or in boiling water, cook for 20 minutes or on the steamer steam for 15 minutes, then dry spare. This method is suitable for gauze mask and bowl.
(3) inspection.
Again before use, should carefully check the mask and the mask is still intact, for gauze mask and mask can adopt transparent examination method, get in front of the lamp to look after, to see if there is no clear spot, the middle part and the edge part transmittance is consistent, if there are questions to be replaced new. In either case, the mask and the mask after cleaning 7 to 3 times in general to be updated, the quality of a particularly good mask can be cleaned 10 times. Activated carbon adsorption mask should pay attention to the regular replacement of activated carbon dissection, if the activated carbon is not replaced, with over 7 to 14 days to be replaced, this mask can not be cleaned after repeated use.
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